Habitations Jean-Pierre-Valiquette

A community resource consisting of separate apartments where residents can live in total privacy

At a glance

Habitations Jean-Pierre-Valiquette (HJPV) is near the Frontenac Metro, in Montreal’s Centre-Sud neighbourhood. It has 19 apartments subsidized by the Rent Supplement Program for people living with HIV/AIDS who have special needs. Those needs may be occasional or regular, and may require help, guidance and support at different times.

The building belongs to the Société d’habitation et de développement de Montréal, and the rent supplement program is administered by the Office municipal d’habitation de Montréal. Sidalys is responsible for selecting the people who want to live in Habitations Jean-Pierre-Valiquette, and provides psychosocial support and guidance addressing the specific needs of the residents.

Each resident is encouraged to become autonomous and develop a sense of responsibility.  Although individual well-being is always a major concern, all decisions must be based on the well-being of the community. The coordinator works on helping all the tenants live in harmony with their surroundings in a calm, serene and supportive environment. The emphasis is on being welcoming, on listening and on availability.

Those are the essential terms and attitudes for Habitations Jean-Pierre-Valiquette to run smoothly, with everyone taking an active part in enhancing the quality of life.


Près du métro Frontenac
Montréal (Québec)
Courriel : hjpv@sidalys.org



  • Individual meetings

  • Medical appointments

  • Help with proper nutrition and grocery shopping

  • Hospital visits

  • Meetings with other resources (social workers, nurses, doctors, etc.)

  • All kinds of procedures

  • Interpersonal dispute management

  • Occasional psychosocial interventions

Length of stay

Contact the centre for availability.

. . . I wonder what would have happened if I lived somewhere else? I wonder who would think of me on my birthday? I wonder who would give me a rose that day? Now you know why I feel so lucky to be living in Habitations Jean-Pierre-Valiquette.

Donald P.


AIDS started its ravages at the beginning of the 1980s.  There was nothing to counter it, especially in terms of housing.

A few people, including Jean-Pierre-Valiquette, saw the urgency of the situation and put their energies into setting up a first hospice.  It would be a resource better addressing lodging needs as well as the problems of isolation and insecurity that people affected by the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) have to live with.

The first tenants arrived in December 1988.  Maison Bercy was taken over by Centre de Services Sida Secours du Québec and later became Habitations Jean-Pierre-Valiquette, named after one of its founders.  He was a passionate defender of human rights, a warm help group animator and an avid explorer of new treatments.

The Life Code

The Habitations Jean-Pierre Valiquette Life Code

How to apply

Documents needed to apply to the Habitations:

  • Reference form, duly filled out

  • Birth certificate

  • Statement of income

  • Lease

  • Last year’s tax assessment

Habitations Jean-Pierre Valiquette are subsidized by the Office Municipal d’Habitation de Montréal, which means you will have to meet the following criteria:

- Have lived in Montreal for 12 consecutive months during the past 24 months

- Provide a copy of your federal or provincial tax return for the past year

- Authorize the communication of personal information (see your local centre officer to get this document)

How to find an apartment